Monday, January 18, 2010

Recap 2009

         Its been a very long time I have posted in to a blog, so I thought why not break the silence with the recap of how my last year was. I decided to write about this after lot of debate with myself.
          2009 has been very eventful for me. I don’t recon it was an extraordinary or a wonderful year, yet it had some surprises in store for me.

First post

Its been a long time that I have the urge to write something. But the laziness overcame the urge in me… Finally I decided to drop my laziness and start writing, but the doubt is what to write? After a long long debate and thinking, I decided to write about whatever that is under the sky. May be its about the movie I have seen recently or about the book I have read. Sometimes I may also fill my feelings in to it, or show my opinion on the maters which are gripping the nation. Whatever it may be I have decided to write. I don’t know why I suddenly got gripped by hypergraphia, but all I am gonna do is to write…
Copyright © Rajeev Agur